Top Tips for relaxing
o you feel overwhelmed? Exhausted?
Get upset or teary for no real reason? Become easily irritated or angry?
Find it hard to make decisions and to concentrate?
Do you have difficulty sleeping? (1)
When was the last time you laughed so hard that your belly ached?
I see it all too often in clinic. Clients have forgotten, or don’t manage to take time out of their busy days to relax. These days, we have almost forgotten the art of sitting still. And being bored.
It is vital that we learn to relax and manage stress. Over time, it will catch up on you and this can lead to anxiety, depression and an abundance of serious health problems (2)
How do I do this in my busy day, you ask yourself? Well, you don’t need huge chunks of time and people rarely have this luxury on a day to day basis.
The key here is to find ways that allow you breaks in your busy day, making small changes and habits and ways that work for YOU.
So, here are my practical top tips for relaxing:
Get out in nature. The great outdoor helps you to feel calmer and can help you sleep better (3)
Take 10 minutes to go outside for a walk. Breathe the fresh air. You will feel instantly calmer
Have lunch away from your desk
Take 10 minutes to meditate - it will help to focus your attention on things that are happening right now and such an effective, natural way to reduce stress
Exercising can be relaxing - swimming, yoga and stretching are my favourites for helping to unwind (4)
Sit for 15 minutes and read something purely for enjoyment; the escapism is great for switching off
Manage your technology use. Don’t let technology manage you. Decide what time you clock off in the evening - then stick to it by turning your phone off and leave it in another room whilst you relax
Laugh - laughing is such a good stress buster. Get together with friends, watch your favourite comedian or watch something funny online
Listen to music
Get creative - knitting, sewing or adult colouring books
Write things down by journaling and writing
Use essential oils - breathe in or use a diffuser - lavender, bergamot, jasmine, grapefruit are just some that help to promote sleep and relaxation
How about finishing the day with a relaxing soak in a bath with some essential oils, light some candles and put on some relaxing music?
Yoga, some stretching exercises or deep breathing exercises before bed (5)
Schedule time in to see your friends for catch ups - interaction with friends really helps you to unwind. Spending time with people you love is a perfect stress reliever, interaction can naturally help you to unwind
Finally ….
Plan some ‘Me time” - take the evenings off (as you are able). If you are that person that finds it hard to relax, then schedule some time in for yourself to switch off so that you don’t forget, and this might be before bedtime or during a regular break at work.
Remember, taking time for yourself to relax will help you to manage stress, help your mental health and hopefully alleviate anxiety and insomnia and also help prevent depression
“If you don't have your health, you have nothing” Steven Adler
* It is important to seek professional help if your stress or anxiety is an ongoing concern and it starts to affect your health. If you would like to know more, please get in touch here.