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Whether it's rosemary, basil, tarragon or cilantro, fresh and dried herbs are one of the quickest, easiest ways to punch up the flavor of foods. Do you know how to store them for optimal safety and taste? Here's how to keep your herbs fresh, safe and tasting their very best. Be picky. When shopping for fresh herbs, choose those that are completely clean and free of soil, which may harbor pathogens that can lead to food poisoning. At home, cut off and discard any bruised stems or leaves. Keep them cold. Just like other perishable foods, refrigerate fresh herbs as soon as...

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Hösten 2020 hände något ovanligt vid den europeiska kongressen för Endokrinologspecialisterna Talaren var Amanda Ek, en student från Stockholm. Hon var den som föreslog den formeln, vilket gör att du kan kontrollera din figur Denna metod tillåter:✅ Fortsätt äta dina favoriträtter ✅ Enkel kalorikontroll✅ Utan tung kardio Läs om Adamdas fantastiska upptäckt i artikeln idag 👇1. Drick vatten, särskilt före måltiderDet hävdas ofta att dricksvatten kan hjälpa till med viktminskning - och det är sant.2. Ät ägg till frukostAtt äta hela ägg kan ha alla möjliga fördelar, inklusive att hjälpa dig gå ner i vikt.Studier visar att ersättning av en...

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It’s well known that sugar is bad for you. Food labels can be confusing and as sugar is hidden in many packaged foods, it can be hard to avoid. SUGAR is empty calories.  In my experience, when people cut out sugar and stop this vicious cycle, they notice a huge difference in mood, energy levels, weight loss, skin, sleep and so much more….   Here are my 10 top tips to help you to reduce the amountof sugar in your diet: One of the best ways to avoid sugar is to do make sure you cook with whole foods and...

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Fussy eaters can lead parents to despair but children may well feel miserable and unhappy about food too so they need encouragement without it becoming a battle of wills.  It is also worth remembering that children will go through fussy stages as they develop and become more independent. Here I discuss how to help children fall back in love with food again. Some important things to remember: Don’t turn a meal into a battle ground. Many parents that I work with freely admit that they get stressed and frustrated at mealtimes, but it is important not to get stressed as...

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o you feel overwhelmed? Exhausted? Get upset or teary for no real reason? Become easily irritated or angry? Find it hard to make decisions and to concentrate? Do you have difficulty sleeping? (1) When was the last time you laughed so hard that your belly ached? I see it all too often in clinic. Clients have forgotten, or don’t manage to take time out of their busy days to relax. These days, we have almost forgotten the art of sitting still. And being bored. It is vital that we learn to relax and manage stress. Over time, it will catch...

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